Jeanne d’Arc, then just 19
Fought for God and country
They burnt her at the stake
T’was a Christian thing to do
Initially disowned, a heretic?
Then heroine, a sweet saint
Ha, a useful name for pollies
To brandish for patriotic votes
She fought for her liege King
but who abandoned the Maid
To those English from beyond
Oh, shameful disloyal royalty
Jailani d’Azalina, at sweet 26
Saw God in a wrong country
Wanna burn her at the stake?
Just the fate for an apostate
Initially embraced, a heroine
A sweet 'saint' of Christianity
Crusaders fought for the Maid
To the last drop of her blood
But she was soon abandoned
Along the path of expediency
Her usefulness now hudud-ised
No more memory of Lina Joy
(1) Kuala Terengganu - politics & strange bedfellows
(2) Lina Joy - Victim of religion or Votive offering to religion?